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AlumierMD professional peels

Are you struggling with enlarged and blocked pores, acne breakouts or just dull looking skin in general? Well we have the perfect non-invasive treatment for you here at Flawless. Chemical Skin Peels! I know what you’re thinking, chemicals on my skin, surely that can’t be helpful. You couldn’t be more wrong! Skin peels are the perfect treatment for all types of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, pigmentation, enlarged pores and even help to reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.


So how does it work?

Chemical peels work by lowering the PH of the skin to dissolve the keratin bonds that keep the dead skin cell layers attached, the body responds to this missing dead skin by triggering the production of fresh, clearer skin cells underneath. This works as a deep exfoliator to the surface layers of the skin. When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. This additionally helps to enhance the penetration of the correct adjunctive skincare you are using by removing the build-up of dead skin on the surface of the face. Chemical peels can be used in conjugation with various other treatments including Microneedling with Mesotherapy and Laser Skin Rejuvenation.

Can a skin peel help my acne?

Skin peels are perfect for anyone who may be suffering with stubborn acne or even regular breakouts and textured skin. The chemical peel is an effective way to clear excessive sebum and dead cells from the surface of the skin which block pores, causes spots and aggravates acne. The removal of this from the chemical peel will target your acne and reveal more radiant, soft and luminous skin.

Can skin peels help with anti-aging ?

If you’re worried about fine lines and wrinkles becoming visible with age and are looking for a non-invasive treatment like dermal fillers, a course of chemical skin peels could be your life changing solution. As we age our body doesn’t make as many new skin cells as fast as in our youth, which means the skin isn’t as good at rejuvenating and replacing damaged tissue. The chemical peel removes the layers of dead skin and triggers the production of new skin underneath. Buy performing frequent peels every 3-4 weeks we can trick the body into behaving like more youthful skin. This leads to a better and faster cell turnover of new skin cells to reveal a youthful more radiant complexion.

What are the acids used in our AlumierMD Chemical peels?

There are several different acids used in skin peels to target different skin conditions that you may be concerned about. Lactic acid is a hydrophilic acid which helps to remove the dead skin cells and is known as an epidermal exfoliator. Salicylic acid is a lipophilic acid which works by almost bypassing the skin entirely to enter the hair follicle where it can exfoliate and break down excessive sebum and dead skin that can lead to acne and congestion, including whiteheads and blackheads.

Other peels at Flawless:

Other peels that we offer at Flawless include the Uniq-White system Peel as well as the Dermaceutic TCA peels. These peels are based on Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Salicylic Acid, Mandelic Acid and for very severely damaged skin, Phenol (Cosmo Peel Forte only).

What to expect Post- Treatment:

Post treatment you can expect some redness to the skin as well as a tingling sensation on the first day post peel. You may start to shed old skin 2-3 days after the peel.

Book now for a free consultation and to begin a course of Skin Peels here at Flawless. Start your journey towards your desired skin.

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