In the last couple of years, a new skincare method has gained quite the popularity. The skincare method that promises to temporarily remove unwanted hairs and dead skin cells from the face – a quick and effective procedure that everyone should try. We are talking about Dermaplaning!
What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning, also known as microplanning or blading, is a skin treatment that aims to remove the dead skin cells and hair from the face by using a special exfoliating blade. Smooth, youthful, and radiant skin is the end result after the Dermaplaning procedure. Dermaplaning can help with the following issues:
- 1 – Dull-looking skin;
- 2 – Acne scars;
- 3 – Sun-damaged skin;
- 4 – Dry skin;
- 5 – Wrinkles and fine lines;
- 6 – Common acne breakouts;
- 7 – Large and congested Pores.
Dermaplaning is a safe procedure, with little to no side-effects. You may experience some redness a few hours after the procedure has been done, but other than that, the risk of infection and scarring is very low.

Treatments are charged per session. Usually, dermaplaning is required to be done every three weeks to assure great-looking results. A 30-minute session costs around £80 on average.
Your Aesthetician may recommend getting a chemical peel after the course of Dermaplaning sessions to resolve any skin issues and for maintenance of skin health. As the skin can more deeply absorb and benefit from the applied chemical peel right after the dermaplaning session.
What are the benefits of Dermaplaning treatment?
Everyone has layers of dead skin cells and hairs that contribute to some of the most annoying skin issues including, dry and itchy skin, common acne breakouts, and more visible acne scars. If you add the environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage on top of that, you have a recipe for dull and dry skin that looks more aged than it really is. Although having layers of dead skin is normal, that does not mean that you have to endure all of the negative effects. Imagine, all of this can be prevented and minimised with a quick 30-minute dermaplaning session!
Dermaplaning will allow your skin to appear more youthful, radiant, and smoother than ever. Additionally, by removing the dead skin cells and fine hairs that you are unable to notice, you will be helping to reduce acne breakouts.
What happens during a Dermaplaning session?
Dermaplaning is similar to shaving, whether it is your face or your legs, but is specifically designed for the face using a special surgical blade. Not to worry, dermaplaning is painless, and since it is done by qualified Aestheticians, the risk of cuts are low to non-existant.

Can a skin peel help my acne?
The Aesthetician will use either a manual or an electric dermaplaning blade that is used at a 45-degree angle to get rid of any hairs and dead skin cells present on your face.
After the treatment is finished, usually aloe vera gel or a similar smoothing lotion as well as sunscreen are applied. This will help to protect your skin from any further damage since it is in a state where it is sensitive after all of the debris is removed, but also, it will help to preserve the accomplished results so far. You are recommended to avoid leaving the house without any sunscreen as the UVA protection helps to prevent the risk of hyperpigmentation, therefore it is of prime importance that it is applied daily.
Pros and cons of Dermaplaning treatment
- – Pros
- 1 – It is painless;
- 2 – It provides deep exfoliation;
- 3 – It can be used in combination with a chemical peel, facials, and laser to enhance their beneficial effects;
- 4 – It can be performed frequently (Every 3 weeks);
- 5 – It is a fast procedure that takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes;
- 6 – It does not make the hair to grow back darker and thicker;
- 7 – It minimises acne breakouts;
- 8 – It minimalizes the appearance of fine lines;
- 9 – It soothes and softens the skin texture;
- 10 – Increases penetration of skincare products.
- – Cons
- 1- It is not recommended for individuals with active and cystic acne, a flaring rosacea breakout, sunburn, eczema, and psoriasis;
- 2 – It can be more expensive as compared to other hair-removal methods.
Within just 15 to 30 minutes, your skin will appear younger, smoother, and more radiant than ever. Using a sterile surgical blade, your aesthetician will be able to remove any visible and invisible hairs and dead skin cells from the upper layer of the skin, thus making any fine lines and acne scars less visible than ever. Book a visit at Flawless Aesthetics for your initial consultation and to schedule your first dermaplaning treatment.